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May 25, 2022
Endlich Ordnung in Deinem Zuhause - mit diesen 7 Schritten gelingt Dir das im Handumdrehen! - BINS AND BOXES
Keeping your home constantly organized is time-consuming and a big challenge. It doesn't have to be that way! With the right system, creating and maintaining order is easy. We show you in seven steps how you can easily bring order to your home in the long term. 

Living room with white couch

To storage boxes

Step 1 - Plan

Always work on a room-by-room or area-by-area basis and determine which goals are to be achieved. If you can already do this in step 1, record all the dimensions of the room/area and plan the future layout and which organizing aids and storage systems you will need for it (see also step 4 - Layout).  

Step 2 - Overview

Clear everything out and lay everything out clearly in front of you, preferably in broad categories for a good overview.
💡Tip: Group things roughly when clearing out (e.g. cleaning materials, electronics, handicrafts, supplies, etc.). This makes it easier to sort out afterwards as you have a better overview.

Step 3 - Sorting out

Properly dispose of expired products and sort out unwanted items:

  • is unnecessarily duplicated and more
  • is no longer or has never been used
  • is broken
  • does not belong in this room
  • you no longer like 

Step 4 - Categorize

Divide your products and items into categories. These can be broad categories such as electronics, cosmetics, handicrafts or detailed categories such as cables, painting, facial care.
💡Tip: The more general the categories are, the easier and more flexible it is to categorize new products/items. The categories must make sense to you personally so that keeping things in order is as easy as possible.   

Storage container for clothes with compartments

Discover drawer organizers and dividers

Step 5 - Layout

Plan the new layout. Ideally with a rough sketch and measurements. Plan according to category and zones. A category distributed in several organizers should always be planned next to each other. Things that are frequently used should be within easy reach. Very important: Keep dangerous items / categories for children, e.g. cleaning agents or medicines, out of reach.
Organize suitable organizers and storage systems if you don't already have them at home.

Step 6 - Clean

Clean the room / area thoroughly before reorganizing. 

Step 7 - Arrange

Organize suitable organizing aids and storage systems in advance with which you can arrange the new categories and zones. Put away the still empty organizing products and check whether the planned layout works for you or, if necessary, rearrange it a little. 
Optional: Provisionally label the organizing products with the planned categories using Post-it notes.
Now place the newly organized items in the organizing products and label them definitively with the corresponding category.

INGE storage box set

And finally: From now on, everything has a fixed place, so you can keep things tidy in the long term. 

Collage desk cleaning storage box kitchen
Aufbewahrungskorb Rattangeflecht - BINS AND BOXES