Jeder hatte einmal eins – das Kinderzimmer ist ein Ort voller Fantasie und Abenteuer. Doch die Aufbewahrung im Kinderzimmer gestaltet sich häufig schwierig. Ohne System versinkt der Raum schnell im Chaos. Damit Spielzeuge, Bücher und Kleidung ihren Platz bekommen und auch dorthin zurückfinden, haben wir von BINS AND BOXES die passende Lösung für Dich und Deine Jüngsten. Eine durchdachte Aufbewahrung im Kinderzimmer, die nicht nur funktional, sondern auch kinderfreundlich ist, kann durch clevere Bestandteile eine Menge Ordnung ins Kinderzimmer bringen. Dabei behältst Du die Bedürfnisse Deines Kindes im Auge und geniesst eine angenehm aufgeräumte Umgebung.
Storage ideas for a well-organized children's room

Choosing the right storage solutions for your child's room is crucial if you want to keep it clean and clutter-free in the long term. Functionality and space-saving play just as important a role as safety and design. Ultimately, the children's room is a place where your offspring should feel comfortable and safe. A good organization system therefore plays a special role in the children's room. The following components can help you with this:
Shelves and cupboards - classics of organization
No children's room can do without classic shelves and cupboards - they form the storage basis for greater organization. You should opt for open shelves that allow your child to see their favorite toys or books and put them away themselves. Like a collage of favorite objects, your child can customize a large shelf with several compartments. Make this task easier by using practical storage baskets or boxes. The combination of open and closed storage in the children's room is both practical and decorative.
Toy boxes and crates: quickly and easily sorted away
This solution for toys in the children's room is just as practical. The good old toy box offers plenty of storage space for all kinds of things. At BINS AND BOXES you get storage boxes in a variety of sizes, colors and designs. Particularly practical are stackable models or robust wooden boxes such as the iDesign ECO storage box Wood. Building blocks, dolls and cuddly toys can be easily sorted in several boxes and quickly put away.
Multifunctional furniture: a space saver for small children's rooms
If space in the children's room is very limited, multifunctional furniture could be ideal. Beds with integrated drawers or shelves that can also be used as a bench create more order in small children's rooms. You can also combine them with our boxes, baskets and organizers. Transparent variants such as the SmartStore Box KLAR can easily be stored under beds, in benches or in shelf cubes.
Small containers for organized surfaces
Children's desks usually have integrated drawers or shelves that your child can use to store their school supplies neatly. But the surface of a desk also tends to get messy. At BINS AND BOXES, you will therefore find smart containers that work as storage on surfaces in the children's room. For example, use the LINUS storage container KLAR.
Helpers for tidiness in the children's room - an overview
Now you know that well thought-out storage ideas are the key to successful organization in the children's room. We have summarized all the products and their advantages for you.
Organization helpers | Advantages |
Toy boxes and crates |
Shelves and cupboards |
Multifunctional furniture |
Additional tip: When buying storage boxes for toys, make sure that they are designed with children in mind. If they have rounded corners and are very light, your child can easily move them themselves without hurting themselves.
The right organization system in the children's room: how it works

Before you get started and organize storage in the children's room, you should think about which areas of the room are used for which purposes. Let your child help decide. Children's rooms are often divided into an area for playing, an area for sleeping and a third area for learning. This also helps to Organization for the children's room much easier and tidying up becomes routine.
By helping to decide how the room is divided up and which products are used, your child will quickly feel responsible for their own room and will be more motivated to keep it tidy. All parents know that children love new toys. Sometimes it all gets out of hand, in which case you should check boxes, baskets and cupboards and sort out toys that are hardly ever used.
To create more space for the important things, you can also store clothes and toys that are only used seasonally in special containers on top of cupboards. This makes it much easier to store other things in the children's room. Through Stickers, labels & tags you can ensure clear labeling that your child will also recognize. Young people learn by imitation. If you keep things tidy yourself and regularly involve your child in the tidying process in a playful way, they will adopt this habit.
More than just a storage box for toys
Well thought-out storage in the children's room is the key to a tidy and functional space in which your child feels comfortable. With the right helpers, you can encourage your child's creativity and independence while still maintaining a sense of order and cleanliness. We would be delighted if you find our tips, products and storage systems help you with this. Discover our colorful range and find the perfect storage for a children's room that suits you and your child.